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Sports Health Samples

Sports Nutrition Questions and Answers
This website is a useful guide with practical, specific sports nutrition questions and answers. Questions include inquiries about drinking milk pre-game, timing eating pre-game, DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), vegetarian athletes, taking ginseng to increase energy, staying awake, increasing energy and other sports training nutrition topics.

Sport Psychology Articles on Excel At Life
Excel at Life is a website that provides psychological information based on research. It aims to aid individuals n understand themselves better and improving their lives. The website has compiled sport psychology articles that athletes and coaches can learn a lot of information from. The article topics range from the most basic like a discussion of what sport psychology is, to the more complicated like psychologically coping with sport-related injuries. Other article topics include the effect of intensity on athletic performance, goal-setting to excel in sports, the effect of perfectionistic demands on the performance of martial arts, and the correlation between self-esteem and exercise

Specialized Chiropractors' Practice Helps More than the Back
This web site is devoted to the practice of Sacro Occipital Technic, an offshoot of traditional chiropractic care devised by Dr. Major B. DeJarnette more than 50 years ago. The site is geared towards both the profession and the patient, and includes a detailed FAQ that explains the evolution of S.O.T., and what functions of the body S.O.T. is designed to restore, such as high blood pressure, digestive issues, female reproductive issues and even headaches, ear infections and TMJ. You'll also find links to articles and research, a doctor locator, certification information, seminars, products and services.

The Four Pillars of a Fit Mind: Mental Golf Tips
If you are a golf player, you know that the game needs mental fitness that allows for concentration and strategic thinking. This article offers mental golf tips you can follow, based on the book Zen Golf by Joseph Parent. This article states that the fit and muscular mind has four pillars: strength, flexibility, balance, and stamina. The first pillar refers to mental toughness, and the ability to stand up to pressure. The second pillar means thinking creatively. The third involves staying and focusing in the moment, and the fourth refers to conserving mental energy. By enhancing these four pillars, you can stay on top of your game.

Triathlon Training Nutrition for Bikers, Swimmers and Runners
What you eat before a triathlon has a lot to do with your performance in the running, biking and swimming arms of the race. The author of this article believes in the 70% carbohydrate, 20 percent protein and 10 percent fat philosophy. He eats breads, cereal, milk, yogurt, cheese, meat, poultry, eggs, nuts and fruit. There is also a link to see exactly how many calories one burns during triathlon training.

MITotalHealth Offers Wealth of Chiropractor Information
Back pain sufferers looking for detailed information about chiropractors and related treatment options can find a wealth of information at MITotalHealth, a patient-resource website published by the Michigan Association of Chiropractors. The site discusses what a chiropractor does, how chiropractic works, and facts and statistics. There is also a blog, glossary, FAQs, and numberous numerous stories. There are breakout sections of information for pregnancy, pediatrics, aduilts, seniors, athletes and veterans. Also provided is a Find a Chiropractor tool.

Please visit the site: BetterSportsHealth.com.

Or see sample resources on this related topic: sport of triathlon.


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